Narrative Text: Purpose, Text Organization and Example
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Purpose: To amuse or entertain the readers with actual or imaginary experiences in difference ways. Narrative always deal with some problems which lead to the climax and them turn into a solution to the problem.
Text Organizations:
1. Orientation, which sets the scene and introduces the characters (it answers the questions: who, when, what and where)
2. Complication, in which a crisis or a problem arises, which usually involves the main characters
3. Resolution, a solution to the problem (for better o for worse). Here, the main characters find ways to solve the problem.
Kinds Of Narrative Text:
- A myth
- A legend
- Fable
- A folklore
Example Narrative Text
The Legend of Karimunjava Island
Once upon a time in Muria Mountain, there lived the family nd Sunan Muria. Amir Hasan or Called Sunan Nyamplungan is the son of Sunan Muria.
He was very spoiled by his mother, because of that he became a naughty boy.
Then his father, Sunan Muria asked him to study in Kudus. He studied Islamic religion to his uncle, Sunan Kudus . After sometime, he became an obedient young man, Sunan Muria was very proud of him.
One day Sunan Muria asked Amir Harbo to go to somewhere to spread Islamic religion. His father asked him to goto an Island that could be seen from Muria Mountain.
It was on the northwest of Jepara. This island seemed to be fade (Kremun-kremun on Javanense) and from that time, people called the island as Karimunjava Island.
Amir Hasan followed by his mate to Karimunjava Island. Them sailed to the island day and might and finally the reached the island. Then they did what his father said. Amir Hasan and his people lived in the island ever after.
Label: Education
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